Native targeted advertising in games & virtual worlds
We unify advertisers and developers to create impactful immersive content and make profits out of that.
Native targeted advertising in games & metaverses
We unify advertisers and developers to create impactful immersive content and make profits out of that.
For advertisers
Inform your users about products and brands they might like

Allow yourself a free-to-play concept with additional income stream

Integrate easily with our simple SDKs for Unreal Engine and Unity

Enjoy presets that shape product and ads placeholders for your game design
For game developers
Integrate your products and ads natively for a multi-million audience

Target your audience based on demography and location

Pay precisely per focused views on your product and ad

Approve game environments where your products and ads appear
From casual banner advertising to complex product placement.
We believe that native way of communication works the best.
Three ad types
Custom Integrations
Banner Ads
Product Placement
Our algorithms allow to target ads basing on gender, age and location. This let’s us maximise efficiency and relevance of the ads.
Dynamically targeted
Our spatial and focus analysis tool differentiates gameplay and ad focus, providing us with accurate impressions counts and non-intrusive ads placement.
Pay precisely per focused views
If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to contact us.
Our vendors and partners
Leave your e-mail here, and we will contact you.
Want to collaborate?
Native targeted advertising in games & metaverses.
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  • What we do
  • How we do it
  • Pay per view