Advertise in video games with native ads
Deliver seamlessly integrated in-game ads to your target audience on desktop, TV, and mobile.
Reach up to 40 million adults in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. Use your own creatives, or we can make them for you.
Ad types
Banner Ads
Product Placement
Ads are targeted based on gender, age, and location. Reach your audience and maximize the efficiency of your budget spending.
Dynamically targeted
Our spatial and focus analysis tool differentiates between gameplay actions and focus, providing you with an accurate impressions count.
Pay per focused views
We work with various consumer brands, major game publishers and indie game developers.
Our vendors and partners, a UAE leader in real estate salestech, partnered with Natify to create a 3D game set in a lifelike city. A building with the Evometa logo subtly positions it as the city’s developer, enabling immersive brand engagement and highlighting an innovative marketing approach. Contact us to learn more about our cases.
Public demo case
  • 100%
    of players engaged with the Evometa-branded building
  • +180%
    social media engagement rate
  • +75%
    increase in website traffic
  • +40%
    boost in positive brand sentiment
Play demo game. High speed internet required.